Substance Abuse Programs

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Outpatient Substance Abuse Programs

Outpatient Programs for Substance Abuse

Outpatient programs are meant to give you the help you need while taking care of other obligations.

Not everyone who suffers from substance abuse needs to be part of an inpatient substance abuse program. Many people are simply trying to figure out how to let go of their addiction and abusive habits and learn how to live again. For people who do not need someone watching them 24 hours a day or to withdrawal from society for a few months to get back on track, they should look at outpatient substance abuse programs.

What’s Offered in an Outpatient Substance Abuse Program?

Outpatient substance abuse programs offer similar resources to inpatient substance abuse programs but the big difference is that they do not require you to live on site. Outpatient substance abuse programs typically require the person to come in a few days a week for group and individual counseling sessions. They sometimes include wellness sessions, which means they will have meditation, yoga, and other wellness treatments available. These programs also go offer 12 step programs, as well as substance abuse education sessions.

How Do I Know if an Outpatient Program is Right for Me?

Knowing what kind of treatment you need can be the most difficult thing of all. Many substance abusers believe that they only need minimal treatment when in fact, they often need inpatient treatment. Before you decide to enroll in any outpatient substance abuse programs, you should go for a meet and greet session, as well as a short evaluation. Many facilities offer free meet and greets, as well as free first visit evaluations. These professions will be able to analyze your needs and figure out whether outpatient substance abuse programs are right for you.

Inpatient Versus Outpatient Substance Abuse Programs

There are a few differences between an inpatient program versus outpatient substance abuse programs that should be considered before enrolling in any program. Inpatient programs provide living areas for onsite help. They also provide detoxification programs to help clean out your system before you start the road to recovery. Inpatient programs have staff on hand 24 hours a day that can help with any issues that may arise.

Outpatient substance abuse programs do not offer living facilities. These programs are designed for those who are still working and are continuing to be active within their family units. While detoxification will happen during an outpatient program, it is more drawn out and often in the hands of the substance abuser. Some outpatient programs do have staff that will give out their contact information in case there is a dire need, however, this doesn’t typically occur.

How Long Do Outpatient Substance Abuse Programs Last?

Outpatient substance abuse programs vary in length due to the type of substance being used and the level of abuse that has occurred. For someone who has been abusing substances for a few years, they may find that they have to enroll in a longer program that someone who has only just started abusing substances. Regardless of the length of the program, all outpatient substance abuse programs offer the tools you need to get sober.