Substance Abuse Programs

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Free Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment

Substance abuse is a serious thing that affects all types of people, whether they are young or old, or rich or poor. Unfortunately, while the general medical field realizes this, they don’t provide many options for those who can’t afford inpatient substance abuse treatment. For those who need free inpatient substance abuse treatment, there are options available.

Why is Inpatient Rehabilitation So Expensive?

Free Inpatient Substance Abuse Treatment Program

A free inpatient substance abuse treatment program can help you get the treatment you deserve at no costs to you.

There is a reason there are hardly any free inpatient substance abuse programs available: they are expensive. Inpatient substance abuse programs provide numerous resources for their patients, from a place to stay and food to highly trained staff that are able to respond to various types of substance abuse situations. Inpatient rehabilitation often includes physical therapy, medical examinations, individual and group therapy, as well as prescription medication for underlying health issues.

How do other people afford Inpatient Rehabilitation?

Many people who suffer through substance abuse issues don’t get help until they are on dire financial straights. They have often lost their homes, their family, their jobs, and all of their worldly possessions. Not only do these people have to realize that want and need help but they also have to find a way to pay for it. Many still have family members that are willing to assist them even after they say they’ve given up, especially if it’s for the road to recovery. Others turn to spouses and friends to help.

Are there free inpatient substance abuse programs?

Free inpatient substance abuse programs do exist but they are much harder to get. One way that people get free inpatient substance abuse treatment is through their religious group. Many churches large and small will offer substance abuse courses and sometimes will offer to sponsor a person to send them to an inpatient facility.

While a person might feel that this is only available to those who are already members of the church, some churches do not require the person to be a member of the church. The only thing they will ask of the person is that they stay clean and sober.

Are there any other options?

While it isn’t free inpatient substance abuse treatment, it is certainly less costly than paying full price: government funded treatment. Most community health organizations are granted money from the government for substance abuse treatment. Due to these grants, they are able to provide a sliding scale payment plan. Some of these facilities do offer free inpatient substance abuse programs but they do require evidence of financial need.

Another option for those who can’t get government funded treatment is recovery homes. These facilities do not have all of the same features that a normal inpatient substance abuse facility has; however, any type of treatment can be helpful. These homes provide shared living spaces and are self monitored. Sometimes there are staff members available, however, they may not provide therapy and other services on as frequent of a basis as a normal inpatient treatment facility.

For those people who need free inpatient substance abuse programs, there are options out there. While these might not be ideal, no matter what step you take first, every step is just as valuable on the road to recovery.